Survivor winner shoots a puppy, and is producing reality hunting show

2002 Survivor: Thailand winner Brian Heidik, 38, shot a defenseless puppy with a bow and arrow after coming home drunk at 3:30 in the morning. When his estranged wife asked him about it, he said he was tired of stupid dogs on my back porch. Luckily for the puppy, Heidik is a bad shot:

2002 “Survivor: Thailand” winner Brian Heidik, 38, shot a defenseless puppy with a bow and arrow after coming home drunk at 3:30 in the morning. When his estranged wife asked him about it, he said he was “tired of stupid dogs on my back porch.” Luckily for the puppy, Heidik is a bad shot:

At about 3AM, his wife called to report that he was outside and that he had shot a puppy that was on his property with an arrow and planned to shoot another one,” Douglas County Chief Deputy Stan Copeland told The Associated Press.

The puppy, a 3-4 month old tan-and-black shepherd-hound mix, was reportedly shot below the rib cage but not seriously injured. Local animal control officers are scheduled to return both puppies to Jeff McCloud, a neighbor, on Thursday morning.

When sheriff’s deputies arrived at the scene, Heidik, a 38-year-old former porn actor who was living in the Los Angeles area when he appeared on Survivor, allegedly attempted to flee in his car but was quickly caught and transported back to the Douglasville, GA home that he and his family had moved to in November 2004.

After Heidik was apprehended, Charmaine Heidik, a 34-year-old former porn actress and Playboy bunny who was charged with spousal abuse for punching Heidik back in November 2002, told the deputies that in addition to shooting the puppy, he had also hit her approximately ten days earlier on June 23. According to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Charmaine Heidik told police that Heidik “had grabbed her by the face and pushed her down, bruising her forehead and elbow.” Unspecified “evidence in the home” also reportedly supported the charge. The couple’s son was also present in the home at the time of Heidik’s arrest.

According to Charmaine Heidik, the puppy shooting followed a night in which Heidik had been out drinking with “buddies.” After going to bed earlier in the night, she awoke to the sounds of a yelping dog at 3:30AM. Upon wandering out to the house’s back porch, she saw Heidik holding the bow and arrow. “He just shoots the dog right in front of me,” Charmaine Heidik told the Journal-Constitution. “I am tired of stupid dogs on my back porch,” Heidik then allegedly remarked to her.

Heidik’s defense was that he mistook the 3 month-old dog for a coyote that had killed two of his five year-old son’s pet ducks.

Heidik appeared in several soft-core porn films before his “Survivor” win and says he is now producing a reality hunting show. He can’t shoot or recognize prey, so it will either be a very bad or very entertaining series.

Heidik’s wife says that he’s never really adjusted to life post-Survivor and that he thinks he’s “invincible.”

The couple has several domestic battery incidents, with both Heidik and his wife alledging they were hit by the other. They are legally separated but have not yet filed for divorce.

