Hyperbolic Function Calculator

Calcualte the following hyperbolic function sinh How does the Hyperbolic Function Calculator work? Free Hyperbolic Function Calculator - Calculates hyperbolic function values: sinh, cosh, tanh, csch, sech, cothThis calculator has 1 input.

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Calcualte the following hyperbolic function


Final Answer

How does the Hyperbolic Function Calculator work?

Free Hyperbolic Function Calculator - Calculates hyperbolic function values: sinh, cosh, tanh, csch, sech, coth
This calculator has 1 input.

What 7 formulas are used for the Hyperbolic Function Calculator?

sinh(x) = (ex - e-x)/2
cosh(x) = (ex + ex)/2
tanh(x) = sinh(x)/cosh(x)
csch(x) = 1/sin(h)
sech(x) = 1/cosh(x)
coth(x) = 1/tanh(x)

For more math formulas, check out our Formula Dossier

What 9 concepts are covered in the Hyperbolic Function Calculator?

coscos(θ) is the ratio of the adjacent side of angle θ to the hypotenusecotThe length of the adjacent side divided by the length of the side opposite the angle. Also equals 1/tan(θ)cscthe length of the hypotenuse divided by the length of the adjacent side. Also equals 1/sin(θ)eulerFamous mathematician who developed Euler's constantfunctionrelation between a set of inputs and permissible outputs
ƒ(x)hyperbolic functionsecthe length of the hypotenuse divided by the length of the adjacent side. Also equals 1/cos(θ)sinsin(θ) is the ratio of the opposite side of angle θ to the hypotenusetanthe ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side of a particular angle of the right triangle.

Example calculations for the Hyperbolic Function Calculator


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