Do you ever get the feeling that both Brad and Angelina are equally unimpressed with each other’s fashion sense? It just seems like Angelina is shooting Brad a look of “Really? Those BAGGY LEATHER PANTS again, bitch?” And Brad is looking at Angelina like “Jesus Christ, VELVET AGAIN, slut?” So last night was the big Madrid premiere of The Tourist. Once again, Brangelina walked the red carpet together, and once again, there was another fashion emergency. Angelina’s dress is Atelier Versace… usually I think the Jolie + Versace combo is wonderful, but this just sucks balls. It looks like she’s wearing two different dresses together. Like she put on a spaghetti-strapped little sparkly number and said to herself “I’m cold, so I’ll cover it with this gigantic black velvet skirt too!” If she had gone for either – all black velvet or all neutral sparkle – it would have been much better, in my opinion. Although she’s just not a ball gown kind of person, I don’t think. And the velvet… I can take in small doses. The skirt is just Gone With the Wind, though.
And Johnny Depp continues to be an afterthought. He’s just like “Yeah, whatever, those bitches can never rock the hankie dong sheath.”
One last thing – it’s probably just the hideous damn skirt, but does anyone else think Jolie looks like she has a little baby bump? Discuss.
Photos courtesy of Fame and WENN.